Star Worz


Thursday, October 25, 2007


On the drive home for lunch today I got to listen to Rush Limbaugh talk about a new tax increase that the "Spend-o-crats" want to enact. It's a major screw job of 4% (out of 100! Can you believe it??) that will kick in around the same time the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts end. And the "Spend-o-crats" are after you, Joe 6-Pack, because this tax hike is going to affect people that make $15,000 individually and $20,000 as a couple.

Nah, I'm just kidding, multiply that income by 10.

So, if you're making $150,000 a year as a single filer, you would have to pay an extra 4% tax on your gross income. So an extra $6,000. Rush's point was you should be outraged by this fact, even if you don't make $150,000 a year because "don't you aspire to make that much?" Well yeah, I do, but I've also aspired to build a battle van that could convert into a submarine. I had schematics and everything. If I was making $150,000 a year, I think I could take home $100,000 a year and squeak by.

He also wanted me to be enraged that they were looking to tax cigarette's an extra $1 or so to pay for the S-Chip program (before it was vetoed). This new hypothetical payment combined with the increased smoking restrictions would lead, Limbaugh believes, to fewer smokers, which would mean that eventually the tax would be levied on other products as well. Now, I know Limbaugh knows a thing or two about addiction, but maybe he's not a smoker. Maybe he doesn't know any smokers. Maybe he's never looked at a pack of cigarettes. So he can excused his ignorance on the matter.

Cigarette packs warn you can die if you keep smoking them. They warn you that your babies will be tiny and that your lungs will shrink to the capacity of a sandwich baggie. Cigarettes turn your fingers yellow, your teeth yellow and make your clothing stink. And yet people still smoke! Why? Cause they're addicted to it. So an extra buck a pack isn't going to cause a significant shrink in the number of smokers.

I've come to the conclusion in life, and maybe this is just very liberal-schmibral of me, that if Rush Limbaugh is against something, I'm probably going to be for it. Now, I'm not saying I'm pro-tax hike, but last I checked we have troops to support. And that ain't getting any

So you don't go away sad (or without clicking the ad) here's
David Sides playing T-Pain's "Buy U A Drank (Shorty Snappin')" on the piano.

Chris says, "I ****in' love T-Pain."


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