Star Worz


Friday, October 20, 2006


This week a 26 year old woman was arrested after police discovered 11 grams of crack hidden in her 2 year old daughter's jacket pocket. This happened in Beloit, Wisconsin, which is, amusingly, located in Rock County.

Did the woman think she was going to get away with this? What was that conversation like?

Woman- Here they come honey, now you just stand still and be a good girl.
Cop- Miss, we've gotten reports of some suspicious activity in the area. Drugs and such. Do you mind if we search you?
Woman- Go right ahead officer.
Girl- Mommy, I got-
Woman- Shhhhh. You be quiet in front of the police officer.
Cop- Okay, everything seems to be in order here.
Girl- Look! Look what I got!
Woman- I'm sure the officer doesn't want to see that dear.
Girl- I got a bag!
Cop- You do? Can I see it?
Woman- No!
Girl- Sure!
Cop- mmmmhmmm... Miss, do you know what this is?
Woman- I most certainly do not.
Cop- Really? You don't know crack rocks when you see them?
Woman- I am insulted you would even suggest such a thing!
Girl- What's crack rocks?
Woman- Isn't she precious?
Cop- Certainly is. Miss, you're going to have to come with me.
Woman- For what?
Cop- Well, possion of ... feels like 15 grams of crack.
Woman- It's only 11.
Cop- Uh-huh. Now if you could just step over here to the car-
Woman- But it's not mine.
Cop- Not your's?
Woman- No.
Cop- It just... what, fell into your daughter's pocket?
Woman- If it's in my daughter's pocket it must be her's.
Cop- Must be her's.
Woman- Possession is 9/10's of the law.
Cop- Right. How old are you sweetie?
Girl- This many.
Cop- Two years old. And she's packing crack in a baggie?
Woman- Shame what's happening to our youth these days.
Cop- Oooookay. Looks like I have to take you to jail now little girl.
Girl- What's jail?
Cop- It's a terrible, smelly place with big bars and you'll never get to see your friends or eat ice cream again.
Girl- Oh no!
Cop- Yup. Well, guess I have to take you there. No use in crying....
Woman- .....
Cop- Miss?
Woman- Yes?
Cop- This would be the time where you confess, throw yourself at my feet and beg me not to take your baby off to jail.
Woman- Officer, I understand and respect the law, you have to do what you have to do.
Cop- Little girl, is this your bag?
Girl- Yes.
Woman- See? I tell you, I'd take her home and spank her but I don't believe in hitting a child. Baby, momma will visit you in prison every chance I get.
Cop- And where did you get this bag?
Girl- From my mommy.
Woman- *gasp* Why you little narc!
Cop- Miss, you are a terrible human being and I pray to God that you never have another child. Little girl, why don't you go off with the other officer and get some ice cream. Your mother and I need to have a talk in my car.
Woman- I can not believe this! I've been framed by a two year old! What is this world coming to?!?
Cop- Yeah, sometimes I wonder that myself.


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