Star Worz


Friday, September 29, 2006


My fellow blogger Jenifer heads back to California this weekend. She's got some misgivings about the whole thing, worries about coming home, if the town she grew up in has changed, what to call her former home, now just her home town. I think those are all pretty normal worries. I'm traveling as well this weekend and I've got my own worries.

What is there to do in Indiana?

My dad, brother and I are headed to Bloomington (city motto: Wow, thanks for visiting!.. oh, just passing through? We understand.) for the Wisconsin-Indiana football game on Saturday. We have to swing through Rockford, IL on the trip down. Not for kicks, but because some geniuses in Illinois (Motto: Waiting Till NEXT Year since 1818) decided it wouldn't affect anything if they tore up all the roads in Chicago. Fortunately no one lives or travels through Chicago, or this might have been an inconvenience. Instead, it gives us a chance to swing through scenic Central and Illinois, which, wow, certainly has a lot of sky to look at. These are parts of the country where you're tempted to drive off the highway into a corn field, just so that other motorists will have something to look at.

The highlight of the drive will probably be Gary, Indiana (city motto: Roll up your windows, lock your doors, and floor it!). A friend of mine once dropped off a roommate in Gary a few years ago. His roommate's advice, on getting out of the car was "The highway on-ramp is four blocks from here. Don't stop for red lights." And he LIVED there. So I'm excited. We'll be going through there around dinner time, so maybe we'll see a Pizza Hut car get jacked. That'd be something to write home about.

All I'd need to do is find a post office. That might be tricky. Do they still use the Pony Express in Indiana, or are they onto the telegraph now?



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