Star Worz


Monday, June 23, 2008


I've been meaning to post this for about a week or so, ever since I stumbled upon it at KSK.

There is good crazy, like "Hey, let's dress up cowboys and run around the park lassoing each other."

There is bad crazy, like "I love you so much sometimes I just want to stab out your soul and keep it in my pocket."

And then there is CRAZY crazy, like "The moon is a actually the last living dinosaur in disguise and only he knows the word the humans forgot that allowed them to fly in the days of magic."

And then, beyond even that is Italian Spiderman.

This is part 4. Don't worry, everything is so looped out of it's mind on Awesome Pills that it wouldn't make sense even if you DID watch the first 3 parts.

Come for the random violence, stay for the rampant misogyny, come back for the carefree murder in the name of science and stick around for the menace of CAPTAIN MAXIMUM.


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