Star Worz


Sunday, May 11, 2008


(Wow. Just. Wow.)

Previously on... SURVIVOR

Team Fo'Shizzle

After the surprising turn around of last Tribal Council, things couldn't get more thrown out of whack, could they? Ho-ho-hold on, loyal Star Worz-iors, and you'll see. Back at camp, Amanda is feeling pretty good. She dodged elimination by finding the Immunity Idol, she got rid of Alexis, who she never seemed to like since Ozzie took a shine to her, and she's got Cirie back on her side. So that means things look grim for Erik and Natalie, who are on the outside of the Favorites' alliance looking in.

So Natalie hatches a plan. If (when) Erik wins the reward challenge, he should send her to Exile to find the Immunity Idol. That they've hidden the Immunity Idol yet again confuses me a little. I remember them throwing it out once it was used in other seasons, but with the way people have been "not using" it, maybe the producers figured "what the heck."

But, uh-oh, coming in with a big old wrench to that plan is Amanda who starts sweet talking Erik to take HER on the reward if (when) he wins and send Parvarti to Exile. Why? Cause she'll just lay around and not look for the idol, while if Natalie goes then she may end up screwing Erik over. I guess we'll see how things shape up at-

Oooh, a trivia challenge! Finally a balanced playing ground. After all, Erik was only 13 when Survivor first started. ... wait, wasn't Todd from last season only 12 when Survivor first aired? Uh-oh.

My favorite moment of the challenge was Parvati, stinking up the answers, leaning over to Cirie and frustratingly whispering "Beat Him" and Cirie replying "I'm trying." Here's an idea I'm just going to throw out there, how about you beat him, Parvarti? Instead of being pissed cause you're dumb.

In the end Erik wins yet again and in a move that sure surprises Natalie, he decides to send Parvari to Exile and takes Amanda on the spa treatment reward.

Back at camp, Cirie manages to keep twisting the knife in Natalie about how Erik has betrayed her with this move. As Cirie says "the only good thing to come out of not going on the reward was to be able to see Natalie bummed out." Then in insult to injury Erik and Amanda literally fly past them on their way to the spa. And Erik WAVES at them!! Boy, he doesn't know anything about the social aspect of the game.

We eventually cut to Exile where Parvarti is feverishly digging to find the Immunity Idol. Nah, I'm just kidding. She's actually TANNING. I wish I was making that up. Talk about confidence in your group.

Amanda and Erik eventually return to camp and Cirie wants to know how awesome it was. "Don't pretend like it wasn't great, I went on that trip in my season and I know it was." Natalie, in a move full of metaphor, begins hacking away at a coconut as soon as Erik appears. She won't even look at him.

But just cause she won't talk to him, doesn't mean she can't hear. Which is something Erik needed to keep in mind while chatting Cirie up back at the beach. Why? Because Natalie is STANDING RIGHT BEHIND HIM. She could have reached out and touched the shelter they were sitting i, that's how close they were to each other. This leads to a conversation between Cirie, Natalie and Amanda about how Erik has told them all different versions of the same story. That's Erik's main problem. He keeps telling people the things he thinks they want to hear to keep them happy (which is fine), but he tells everyone what he thinks they want to hear (which is not fine). If you're going to try and keep someone happy they should either be a) the person you're about to blind side or b) a person you need to keep voting with you. And those are the only people you should be promising things to. You can't promise to take 4 people with you to the final three. Probst will have some sort of objection about that.

So Erik is in hot water with 3/4 of the women, and the only reason Parvarti isn't mad is because she isn't there, so he better hope he wins the-

Oh, who am I kidding? Half of his competition is Cirie and Parvati. He's all but got it in the bag. Three sand pits. Two ropes. Rope off your co-ordinates in the sand and then dig to find a bag of puzzles pieces. Solve the puzzle for your second set of co-ordinates. Find another bag, solve another puzzle for a third set of co-ordinates and your third puzzle bag. Solve that puzzle and you're the winner. Erik and Amanda are pretty close in the beginning and Cirie hangs in there for a while, but then Erik starts to pull away. And pull away. And pull away. Parvati, who's "tanning regiment" might need to be re-thought, barely gets to the second sand pit by the time Erik wins immunity AGAIN. So it looks like Natalie's going home.

But wait! Cirie has a plan. They could get rid of Erik if they could just get him to give up the Immunity necklace. So, Natalie should convince Erik to give her the Immunity Necklace in a sign of good faith. If he does so, Cirie and Natalie will team with Erik to send Amanda (his main threat other than Natalie) home. Of course, once he hands over the necklace they'll all jump on him like his last name was Caesar, but he doesn't need to know that. This plan is stupid. It's the equivalent of being on a crashing airplane, climbing out on the wing, flapping your arms and jumping at the last second. There is no way it can work. As Natalie brilliantly puts it, "I feel stupid just listening to this idea." But you know what? When your plane is going down either way, you may as well try flapping your arms.

So Natalie starts talking to Erik and right away he shoots the idea down. But Natalie keeps working him. And then he goes to talk to Cirie and she tells him that she just can't trust him if he doesn't do this sign of good faith. And if she can't trust him, the Jury probably can't trust him, and how's he going to win if he's got the entire Jury mad at him?

Now, a smart person would probably take their chances. Erik is winning Immunity Challenges easily. If he doesn't go with Natalie, the other girls will probably vote her out, and that's one less threat to him. And then he can win the next Immunity Challenge and all but hand-pick his opponents. There is no reason to look good in front of the jury, when he can look dominate in front of the jury. The Jury respects, grudging respect sometimes but it's still respect, a person who dominates in challenges in the end. You think anyone LIKED Tom from Palau, other than Ian? Heck no! But they respected his dominance over the gravy-training Katie.

But apparently Erik isn't a smart man, because he starts listening. He starts asking that Parvati get the boot instead. Cirie and Natalie instantly agree. Sure! We'll give you FIVE magic beans instead of three for that cow. Why not??

The ladies all continue to play Erik. Cirie talks about a good impression with the Jury. Amanda talks about rebuilding trust. Erik evens starts talking about rebuilding an image. And then...

There is a list, of dumbest Survivor contestants.
It includes:


But now, and perhaps for all time, there is a new Champion

The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

Erik hands over his immunity necklace, everyone loses it except for Probst (who probably wanted to, his footage all seemed off, maybe it had to be re-recorded), and as no one dared to dream, Erik gets the big ol' boot. Hey look Erik, you now have plenty of time to win over the Jury NOW THAT YOU'RE A PART OF IT.

Fairplay (Favorites)
Mary (Fans)
Yau-man (Favorites)
Mikey B (Fans)
Joel (Fans)
Jonathon (Favorites)
Chet (Fans)
Kathy (Fans)
Tracy (Fans)
Ami (Favorites)
Eliza (Favorites)
Ozzie (Favorites)
Jason (Fans)
James (Favorites)
Alexis (Fans)
Erik (Fans)

The finale! Amanda vs Cirie vs Parvati vs Natalie! My guess is Amanda will win and she'll chop out Natalie. In fact, unless Natalie wins, she's joining the Jury. Neither of the other three will risk breaking the "Favorites" alliance this late in the game.

Back on April 24th I said:
Prediction Time!
Your final four will be:

I was 3/4 right. Your final three are going to be Amanda, Cirie and Parvati. Cirie should win the whole thing, but I think Amanda will get it, picking up Erik, Ozzie, Eliza and James' votes.

See how it shapes out!



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