Star Worz


Friday, April 25, 2008


(Spooooooooilers, nothing more than Spooooooooilers!)

Last Week on... SURVIVOR

Team Fo'Shizzle

Guess what? Chopping out Ozzie has repercussions! Who'dathunk? For example, James and Amanda are both pissed at Parvati for, you know, stabbing their alliance in the throat. Parvati does her best to make nice with James, but James isn't fooled. He hasn't been fooled from the beginning, but he was willing to put up with her pretty face and the opportunity to coast with the power four-some. But now that's all been screwed.

Amanda is just as ticked as James, but because she's a jellyfish in people form, she just kind of smiles and nods and accepts Parvati's apology. She says it's so Parvati won't know she's mad at her, but it would appear it's NOT so Amanda can blindside her, but rather so Parvati will still allow Amanda to hang out.

Survivor Auction! Sweeeeet! These are always great, because someone winds up blowing most of their money on junk. First winner is Jason, who picks up a hot dog to eat. The first thing is usually pretty good, and then the second one is junk, because then everyone bids out of their mind for trash. Erik bids a crazy amount of money for a mystery item and is then allowed to trade out. He chooses to and it's a good thing, because mystery item two?? Glass Jar Full O' Octopus. Instead he trades up for a big plate of nachos. At least it wasn't betel nut, right Erik?

Natalie is the next sucker, buying herself a nice big covered bowl of bat soup. Natalie blanches and walks away, then James swoops in and eats it for free. Undeterred, Natalie bids on next item and wins a glass bottle with a note in it. The Note allows her to send one person immediately to Exile Island and take all of their money. She immediately sends Jason, who begs not to go, but is sent anyway once Natalie finds out the Immunity Idol has been re-hidden. With Jason's stolen money Natalie swoops in and buys a gigantic chocolate cake. Without hesitation she picks Cirie, Parvati and Alexis to eat it with her. Boy, how close are YOU to the rest of the group Amanda? Erik, who apparently doesn't know what personal boundaries are, then gives Cirie $40 to SUCK the Chocolate off of Cirie's FINGERS. Ewwwww.

Well, Natalie has finally started doing interviews and BOY does she have a lot to say. In fact, she basically dominates the entire episode. Oh, and she does NOT think well of Jason. I picked that up the 8th time she called him "bitch" in a 30 second interview. She's pretty sure he's going to find the Idol, but if he does she can use that to her advantage.

How? Glad you asked. When Jason returns Natalie will convince him that they are friends, and that James is going home that night, as long as he doesn't win the Immunity Challenge. That way, he won't play the idol even if he has it. Then the women will split their votes, so if Jason doesn't play the idol, he's going home. But if he does then James will go home. Provided he doesn't win the-

The first four people to break a clay tile and drop their pieces to the ground advance to round two. The first two people to untie their pieces, assemble them into a wheel and use that wheel to lower two boards onto their table advance to the final round. The first person to use those boards to cross a water pit, and then cross another gap on paddles and touch a pole is your winner. Advancing through the first round are Jason, James, Erik and Amanda. So, the four girls most in control of the game all fail to advance to even the second round. Advancing to the third round are Erik and James. The Female Four all hold their breath as James and Erik race across the pit. They need Erik to win so that their plan can work. Because see, they WON'T vote out Erik tonight, because it's his birthday. Get that? They'll lie, break alliances and go through people's clothing to see if they have immunity idols, but heaven forbid they vote you out on your birthday. ...that is the mind of a woman.

Happy Birthday To Erik! James loses one of his boards and that gives Erik enough of a lead that even James' super human leap at the end can't close the distance. The women go back to camp ecstatic that their plan is succeeding.

Now, here's what I don't really understand. Amanda knows about this plan. She knows the full details. James isn't dumb, he knows he's the fall guy if Jason plays the idol. Why the two of them don't go to Jason and try to swing Erik and go after Pavarti is beyond me.

Instead they just sit and wait. And Natalie goes to Jason and listens to him brag about how awesome he is for finding the Idol and how much he appreciates the alliance they must have since she sent him to go find it. And she just smiles and smiles and smiles. She then tells the camera that she finds it a little troubling that she can be this manipulative and backstabbing and do it all with a smile on her face. And then she smiles. A little creepy. That and the 80th spider b-roll footage they trot out.

Wow, Ozzie is not happy to be on the jury. Hello Pixelated Middle Finger! Probst questions Jason on whether or not he's making more friends. Jon Bon Dopey smiles and says "oh yeah, everything's awesome now." Cirie's eyes almost roll out of her head. Natalie then smiles and agrees that anyone (just not Jason) can change their place in the game (just not Jason) and win people over (just not Jason). James, knowing that he's in trouble, comments on how "the social butterflies" have done their work and now have all the power. And then he Sells Parvati Down The River by naming her as the brains behind Ozzie's ousting. Cue reaction shot of Ozzie cursing.

With everyone sufficiently in a tizz, Probst calls for the vote. Jason is given the opportunity to use his immunity idol. This is his chance to save himself. He could possibly go on a winning streak after this, since none of the women are a threat to him, and keep himself safe up until the final four. But remember, Jason Is Stupid. So he doesn't play the idol.

Jason. James. James. Parvati (James' vote). James. Jason. Jason. Annnnd JASON!



Fairplay (Favorites)
Mary (Fans)
Yau-man (Favorites)
Mikey B (Fans)
Joel (Fans)
Jonathon (Favorites)
Chet (Fans)
Kathy (Fans)
Tracy (Fans)
Ami (Favorites)
Eliza (Favorites)
Ozzie (Favorites)
Jason (Fans)

Two Immunity Idol holders, two blindsides. If you GET the idol, USE the idol.

James almost loses his finger to disease and the Survivors are re-united with their families. WHY isn't Erik's brother more pumped to meet Jeff Probst?



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