Star Worz


Friday, May 09, 2008


I love Pabst Blue Ribbon.

I love the taste.

I love the design of the can.

I love that after winning the Worlds Fair in 1893 someone at the brewery decided that they had reached the mountain top and haven't changed the recipe since.

And I love
this man, for loving Pabst as much as I do.

That's right, that is a COFFIN made to look like a Pabst Blue Ribbon can. And that, my friends, is FANTASTIC.

Other things to love about that picture:
1) The lady casually smoking next to the Christmas tree
2) The person in what appears to be a medical jacket with the confused look on their face
3) The 10 plus liquor bottles in the background
4) The random mop/broom handle leaning against the filing cabinet.

I don't know about you, loyal Star Worz-iors, but I suddenly feel a little better about my ultimate demise, knowing that such fine container exist for my body.

Plus, it sure beats the heck out of my old plan of having my body stuffed into an actual Pabst Blue Ribbon can.


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