South Bend, IN- Todd Bishop issued an apology to his co-worker this afternoon after accidentally revealing the ending to the last season of the popular Fox television show, "24".
"I never meant to cause any harm," said Bishop in a written statement sent to his co-worker, Alex Brown, via e-mail this morning. "I'm sorry about what I had said, and I never would have mentioned the twist ending if I had known you hadn't seen it yet."
Bishop ended the message with a feeble attempt at humor. "Any time you want to ruin a show for me, feel free to."
The incident had started innocently enough with the two men discussing upcoming programs around the water cooler. New to the office, Bishop had been eager to make a connection with Brown, an indirect superior. When Brown brought up the new season of "24" witness say Bishop seized his opportunity.
"As soon as Alex mentioned the new season of '24' Todd's eyes lit up," said Mary Coogan, Accounts Payable. "Alex said, 'What did you think about Season 5?' and Todd immediately goes into how he didn't see the Chinese capturing Jack at the end of the season finale coming. Alex just got real quiet then and said 'I haven't finished watching the season yet.' Boy, did Todd turn red."
Though not completely to blame for answering an open ended question about an episode that aired six months ago, this is not the first time Bishop has spoiled the end for someone. Just weeks earlier, Bishop came in to work loudly talking on his cell phone about the death of beloved "Lost" character, Mr. Eko. Unbeknownst him, both the receptionist and the FedEx delivery man had been unable to watch the episode the night before. Though apologetic, Bishop then proceeded to ruin the ending for Coogan, when explaining how bad he felt about the earlier incident.
"He means well. That's why it's hard to stay mad at him. He just gets so excited that he doesn't think that others haven't seen the episodes yet," said Coogan. "Really, I envy him. To have enough free time to see all of these shows right when they air? I've got 5 weeks of 'Survivor' on my TiVo. Needless to say, I don't even MENTION reality television when Todd's in the room."
Bishop, who also ruined the ending to The Usual Suspects for an entire line of ticket holders opening weekend, vows to try harder to be more discreet in the future.
Said Bishop, "I'm just glad that people keep giving me all these second chances. It's like in the end of Stranger Than Fiction when Will Farrell-"
"I never meant to cause any harm," said Bishop in a written statement sent to his co-worker, Alex Brown, via e-mail this morning. "I'm sorry about what I had said, and I never would have mentioned the twist ending if I had known you hadn't seen it yet."
Bishop ended the message with a feeble attempt at humor. "Any time you want to ruin a show for me, feel free to."
The incident had started innocently enough with the two men discussing upcoming programs around the water cooler. New to the office, Bishop had been eager to make a connection with Brown, an indirect superior. When Brown brought up the new season of "24" witness say Bishop seized his opportunity.
"As soon as Alex mentioned the new season of '24' Todd's eyes lit up," said Mary Coogan, Accounts Payable. "Alex said, 'What did you think about Season 5?' and Todd immediately goes into how he didn't see the Chinese capturing Jack at the end of the season finale coming. Alex just got real quiet then and said 'I haven't finished watching the season yet.' Boy, did Todd turn red."
Though not completely to blame for answering an open ended question about an episode that aired six months ago, this is not the first time Bishop has spoiled the end for someone. Just weeks earlier, Bishop came in to work loudly talking on his cell phone about the death of beloved "Lost" character, Mr. Eko. Unbeknownst him, both the receptionist and the FedEx delivery man had been unable to watch the episode the night before. Though apologetic, Bishop then proceeded to ruin the ending for Coogan, when explaining how bad he felt about the earlier incident.
"He means well. That's why it's hard to stay mad at him. He just gets so excited that he doesn't think that others haven't seen the episodes yet," said Coogan. "Really, I envy him. To have enough free time to see all of these shows right when they air? I've got 5 weeks of 'Survivor' on my TiVo. Needless to say, I don't even MENTION reality television when Todd's in the room."
Bishop, who also ruined the ending to The Usual Suspects for an entire line of ticket holders opening weekend, vows to try harder to be more discreet in the future.
Said Bishop, "I'm just glad that people keep giving me all these second chances. It's like in the end of Stranger Than Fiction when Will Farrell-"
This reads more like something you would find in The Onion.
Unknown, at 4:37 PM
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