Today's Wednesday Word is "defended" as in "We sure defended marriage yesterday!"
In 1788, when the Constitution was ratified, Article I, Section 2 said that black people were only worth 3/5 of a white person. This was the result of a massive compromise between the Northern states and the Southern states. Southerners needed to be able to count their slaves as people so that the North wouldn't overwhelm them with representatives in the House. At the same time, neither the North nor the South was rushing to recognize blacks as human as it was kind of hard to rationally explain beating, enslaving, raping, etc your fellow human beings. So the 3/5 Compromise was proposed by James Wilson and both the white North and the white South went home more or less happy. Blacks didn't get much of a say in the matter. I'm sure they were happy just to be slowly inching towards "human".
In 1857, Dred Scott lost his case against Sanford, with a decision that said not only were black slaves not considered citizens of the United States of America, but free blacks were not considered citizens either. Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote in his majority opinion that "all men created equal" did not, in fact, refer to "all men" but rather white men, who were the ones that "framed and adopted this declaration". Freed blacks, abolitionists and the word "all" were understandably upset by this ruling.
In 1865, the 13th amendment abolished slavery. Fortunately the Klu Klux Klan started up the same year, to make sure blacks didn't enjoy their new found freedom too much. Three years later the 14th amendment would grant citizenship to all Men born in the U.S. *cough*exceptIndians*cough*. Maybe if Sitting Bull, Geronimo and the like had gotten themselves made into slaves, they would have been free by then. That's really poor planning on their part.
In 1896, the Supreme Court said that blacks and whites didn't have to co-exist, as long as things were equal between the two. For some strange reason black equal and white equal would never quite see eye to eye.
In 2006, we as Americans look back on these acts with shame. At least we should. We enslaved, tortured and dehumanized our own brothers and sisters because in our minds we were able to justify it, either through the Bible, or through pseudo-science. We were scared, and so we acted out of fear and hate, to preserve "our" way of life.
I am blessed to have a wide circle of friends who are all smarter than I am. One of them, Craig, mentioned in the weeks leading up to this election that just as we now look back with horror and disbelief at the way our forefathers treated non-whites, future generations will look back at this day and age and feel the same shock and anger at our treatment of homosexuals.
Just some recent examples:
In 1993, homosexuals, who were willing to voluntarily enlist in the military to defend our country, were told "Sure, sign up! But you better pretend you're straight for your entire term of service, or we'll kick you right out." This was considered a step forward. Before this you were asked if you were heterosexual when you enlisted, and if you said no, you were not allowed in. Because, as we all know, being gay affects your ability to follow orders, carry a backpack, or fire a gun.
In 1996, President Clinton signed into effect The Defense of Marriage Act. This was a great boon for marriage, which had been getting the crap kicked out of it by homosexuality for quite some time. The act stated that no state was required to recognize a same-sex marriage, even if that marriage was recognized elsewhere. Vacation plans for same-sex couples suddenly became much more of a headache to plan out.
And now in 2006, Wisconsin, along with South Carolina and Virginia, has passed a state amendment to limit marriage to only one man and only one woman. This prohibits legal rights for both same-sex couples as well as different-sex couples who are not married. So, if you're homosexual and sick, you should probably marry your partner's sibling so they can still visit you in the hospital.
Wisconsin. Good old Wisconsin. We agreed to "Defend Marriage" by more than 58%.
I don't understand how this happened. Wisconsin is the state that gave the country the Republican party. A party committed to a) stopping the spread of slavery and b) smaller government. Republicans talk about getting government out of people's business, but apparently when they say "people's business" they actually mean "business" and not home life as well.
Wisconsin is the state that helped kick off the Progressive movement. "Fightin'" Bob LaFollette was our governor. We passed the nation's first worker's compensation law in 1911. Our state motto is "Forward!"
Wisconsin elected Russ Feingold to the Senate. Russ Feingold was The Only Senator to stand up to the Patriot Act and say that something was wrong with a bill that strips away people's civil liberties in the name of security. Wisconsin re-elected Russ Feingold by 12% over his conservative opponent 3 years later in 2004. Wisconsin has two Democratic Senators, a Democratic Governor, an openly gay female Representative and a partridge in the gosh darn tree. But almost 3 out of every 5 people in this state don't believe that homosexuals should be allowed to be married.
Is it the word marriage that scares people? Several times when I hear arguments for defending marriage it seems to sound like Pastor Earl Vorpagle out of Ashwaubenon, "I have no problem with people having equal rights under the law. I just don't want it termed marriage."
Why? Why the hell not? It's a word, just a silly little word. We sure don't take it seriously as heterosexuals judging by the 40% divorce rate this country has, so why should it become such a big deal when gays and lesbians want in on the action? Are people afraid it will make them less special if everyone is allowed to say "I do"? I don't know, I wish I did. I wish I could tell you all "this is what we need to do" and then it could be done and everyone would be happy. But I can't. I couldn't even if you clicked on the ad every day (yes that was a plug, but it's still good advice).
People like to say "Hey, I've got nothing against anyone. But the Bible says homosexuality is a sin." Ohhhh right. I forgot. The Bible. You're not a racist, God told you to keep the black people in chains. You're not murderers, God told you the entire country was just for the white people. You're not homophobic, God told you to hate homosexuals.
God freed the Israeli slaves from the ruling power of Egypt. God blessed the barren with children. God sent down 10 Commandments to live by. God sent his son to dine with whores and thieves and thugs. God sent his son who said "The greatest of these [commandments] is love." God did a lot of things. But God did not write the Bible.
What's that? "Blasphemy!"? Okay, okay, you're right. I'm wrong. God wrote the Bible. And we should follow it word for word. So remember don't touch the skin of a pig. And remember to not eat dairy and meat in the same serving. Remember to send all the women out of town when they're having their period. Remember every 10 years to put all of your possessions into a town-wide pile for equal distribution. Remember to only have sex for procreation and to only have sex with your married husband or wife.
And remember "what ever you do to the least of these, you have done to me."
Hopefully it won't be another 200 years before we finally figure that out.
In 1788, when the Constitution was ratified, Article I, Section 2 said that black people were only worth 3/5 of a white person. This was the result of a massive compromise between the Northern states and the Southern states. Southerners needed to be able to count their slaves as people so that the North wouldn't overwhelm them with representatives in the House. At the same time, neither the North nor the South was rushing to recognize blacks as human as it was kind of hard to rationally explain beating, enslaving, raping, etc your fellow human beings. So the 3/5 Compromise was proposed by James Wilson and both the white North and the white South went home more or less happy. Blacks didn't get much of a say in the matter. I'm sure they were happy just to be slowly inching towards "human".
In 1857, Dred Scott lost his case against Sanford, with a decision that said not only were black slaves not considered citizens of the United States of America, but free blacks were not considered citizens either. Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote in his majority opinion that "all men created equal" did not, in fact, refer to "all men" but rather white men, who were the ones that "framed and adopted this declaration". Freed blacks, abolitionists and the word "all" were understandably upset by this ruling.
In 1865, the 13th amendment abolished slavery. Fortunately the Klu Klux Klan started up the same year, to make sure blacks didn't enjoy their new found freedom too much. Three years later the 14th amendment would grant citizenship to all Men born in the U.S. *cough*exceptIndians*cough*. Maybe if Sitting Bull, Geronimo and the like had gotten themselves made into slaves, they would have been free by then. That's really poor planning on their part.
In 1896, the Supreme Court said that blacks and whites didn't have to co-exist, as long as things were equal between the two. For some strange reason black equal and white equal would never quite see eye to eye.
In 2006, we as Americans look back on these acts with shame. At least we should. We enslaved, tortured and dehumanized our own brothers and sisters because in our minds we were able to justify it, either through the Bible, or through pseudo-science. We were scared, and so we acted out of fear and hate, to preserve "our" way of life.
I am blessed to have a wide circle of friends who are all smarter than I am. One of them, Craig, mentioned in the weeks leading up to this election that just as we now look back with horror and disbelief at the way our forefathers treated non-whites, future generations will look back at this day and age and feel the same shock and anger at our treatment of homosexuals.
Just some recent examples:
In 1993, homosexuals, who were willing to voluntarily enlist in the military to defend our country, were told "Sure, sign up! But you better pretend you're straight for your entire term of service, or we'll kick you right out." This was considered a step forward. Before this you were asked if you were heterosexual when you enlisted, and if you said no, you were not allowed in. Because, as we all know, being gay affects your ability to follow orders, carry a backpack, or fire a gun.
In 1996, President Clinton signed into effect The Defense of Marriage Act. This was a great boon for marriage, which had been getting the crap kicked out of it by homosexuality for quite some time. The act stated that no state was required to recognize a same-sex marriage, even if that marriage was recognized elsewhere. Vacation plans for same-sex couples suddenly became much more of a headache to plan out.
And now in 2006, Wisconsin, along with South Carolina and Virginia, has passed a state amendment to limit marriage to only one man and only one woman. This prohibits legal rights for both same-sex couples as well as different-sex couples who are not married. So, if you're homosexual and sick, you should probably marry your partner's sibling so they can still visit you in the hospital.
Wisconsin. Good old Wisconsin. We agreed to "Defend Marriage" by more than 58%.
I don't understand how this happened. Wisconsin is the state that gave the country the Republican party. A party committed to a) stopping the spread of slavery and b) smaller government. Republicans talk about getting government out of people's business, but apparently when they say "people's business" they actually mean "business" and not home life as well.
Wisconsin is the state that helped kick off the Progressive movement. "Fightin'" Bob LaFollette was our governor. We passed the nation's first worker's compensation law in 1911. Our state motto is "Forward!"
Wisconsin elected Russ Feingold to the Senate. Russ Feingold was The Only Senator to stand up to the Patriot Act and say that something was wrong with a bill that strips away people's civil liberties in the name of security. Wisconsin re-elected Russ Feingold by 12% over his conservative opponent 3 years later in 2004. Wisconsin has two Democratic Senators, a Democratic Governor, an openly gay female Representative and a partridge in the gosh darn tree. But almost 3 out of every 5 people in this state don't believe that homosexuals should be allowed to be married.
Is it the word marriage that scares people? Several times when I hear arguments for defending marriage it seems to sound like Pastor Earl Vorpagle out of Ashwaubenon, "I have no problem with people having equal rights under the law. I just don't want it termed marriage."
Why? Why the hell not? It's a word, just a silly little word. We sure don't take it seriously as heterosexuals judging by the 40% divorce rate this country has, so why should it become such a big deal when gays and lesbians want in on the action? Are people afraid it will make them less special if everyone is allowed to say "I do"? I don't know, I wish I did. I wish I could tell you all "this is what we need to do" and then it could be done and everyone would be happy. But I can't. I couldn't even if you clicked on the ad every day (yes that was a plug, but it's still good advice).
People like to say "Hey, I've got nothing against anyone. But the Bible says homosexuality is a sin." Ohhhh right. I forgot. The Bible. You're not a racist, God told you to keep the black people in chains. You're not murderers, God told you the entire country was just for the white people. You're not homophobic, God told you to hate homosexuals.
God freed the Israeli slaves from the ruling power of Egypt. God blessed the barren with children. God sent down 10 Commandments to live by. God sent his son to dine with whores and thieves and thugs. God sent his son who said "The greatest of these [commandments] is love." God did a lot of things. But God did not write the Bible.
What's that? "Blasphemy!"? Okay, okay, you're right. I'm wrong. God wrote the Bible. And we should follow it word for word. So remember don't touch the skin of a pig. And remember to not eat dairy and meat in the same serving. Remember to send all the women out of town when they're having their period. Remember every 10 years to put all of your possessions into a town-wide pile for equal distribution. Remember to only have sex for procreation and to only have sex with your married husband or wife.
And remember "what ever you do to the least of these, you have done to me."
Hopefully it won't be another 200 years before we finally figure that out.
Labels: Worzala's Wednesday Word
I could not have said it better myself, my friend.
Anonymous, at 11:23 AM
brilliantly worded, young man. i just put a link to in on the CC/venture discussion forum.
gary, at 1:56 PM
it makes me sad that the general population doesnt think this way.
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
Saying homosexuality is a sin doesn't mean someone "hates" homosexuals. It just means that the Bible says it's a sin and some people still have values that start above their belt buckle.
I actually get angry when people perpetuate that foolish notion. That's a level of narcicism I'll never understand.
Anonymous, at 4:46 PM
I'm not sure if you were implying that homosexuals don't have vaules because they're homosexual, which I'd disagree with, but I'm sorry if I offended you by implying that you hated homosexuals.
But you gotta admit, using the Bible to keep over 30 million people down is pretty weak.
Matt Worzala, at 6:14 PM
I am always impressed by your ability to thoughtfully articulate an arguement, and I agree with what you are saying. While the results of the election on this issue sadden me, I hold out hope knowing that perhaps in my lifetime change will be made and action will be taken.
-Roommate's Girlfriend
Anonymous, at 6:37 PM
Well, first of all, you may not wish to keep them down...but as a direct consequence of your choice, you are. You're letting them know that because you don't believe they've made the right choice according to the Bible they do not deserve the same rights as you. I mean, do you think when people get to the pearly gates St. Peter will look at them and say, "I'm sorry I can't let you in because you voted 'no' on that amendment to ban same sex marriage back in 2006." I would like to think God has a greater sense of justice than that.
Secondly, I don't feel like Matt has anything to be "embarrassed" about in relating their plight to that of the African Americans. Times change and so do the ways we hurt each other. Then it was slavery, anti-black groups. Now, we have people who are homophobic and have created a whole new set of terms to insult and demean homosexuals. It was classified as a DISEASE in the DSM-III (compilation of symptoms and diagnoses of psychiatric disorders used by all of the psychology community in the US and in partnership with the European equivalent in most other countries) up until just recently. There may not be chains and but we've certainly created a cage just for them, perhaps better known as the "closet." A whole new phenomenon has been created called "coming out of the closet," Where individuals finally gather the strength to come out and tell others how they really feel, in regards to their sexual orientation. What do you suppose the quality of life is for someone who has to live everyday afraid to express how they really feel? As Matt said, they can't even defend their own country if people found out about their "dirty little secret." All that paired with the fact they have the burden of being blamed for the AIDS virus to carry on their backs. Like I said, we just found a new way of pulling the same old crap.
Anonymous, at 2:20 AM
Boy, painting with a broad brush there, aren't we? I don't believe it's a disease.... I don't blame them for AIDS... and I am not homophobic. I simply believe marriage is man and woman, period, and I believe that homosexuality is a choice, and one which I do not agree with. And throwing the "can't visit in the hospital" argument in there is just lame and in no way a reason to ignore the amendment. That hurdle can be cleared without ever bringing this up.
And I believe that Peter will have one simple question for me when I get to the 'Gates, to which I will be able to answer "yes".
Anonymous, at 9:37 AM
It doesn't sound like broad brush strokes at all. It sounds more like an more or less accurate history of plight of the homosexual lifestyle. You may not believe in all the other misconceptions that gay people have had to endure, but you are still forcing your lifestyle on them. They are being denied rights we sometimes take for granted. The hospital thing is valid as it was something that was defined in the amendment as well.
As far as choices are concerned, I suppose it is a choice: To go with what you feel is natural or to go with what society feels in natural. It's as much as a choice as it for Matt and myself to wear corrective lenses. Yes we could certainly go without them, but it will not be natural to us and we will end up bumping into things more often than not.
It really sucks right now for the gay community because they are going through what many other groups of people have gone through. People have been persecuted for the god they believed in (Christians included).. People have been ostracized for the color of their skin.. this is just another chapter in the History of Discrimination. Many years from now this will hopefully be water under the bridge and acceptance will be commonplace so we can all concentrate on discriminating the next big issue: Aliens.
You may think me taking a satirical view on this and perhaps I am.. but there's more than likely some truth to that last part.. as long as you believe in that sort of thing... If/when it does happen, you can bet that people will be having these exact same conversations.
Anonymous, at 11:37 AM
If you'll notice, all my arguments in the second paragraph are in defense of Matt's comment regarding the plight of African Americans, I did not once say that you were any of those things, I was giving an account of just a few of the things that homosexuals have had to go through in this country, strictly in defense of Matt's statement, not as an accusation.
Anonymous, at 12:50 PM
Are you seriously equating NOT BEING ABLE TO MARRY with the type of persecution others have faced in the last... oh, lets say 2000 years?
The corpses of millions of Africans (sold into slavery by Muslims), millions of Jews, millions of gypsies, millions of Christians martyrs and millions of people who were BORN minorities rather than choosing to be a deviant minority, or forced into it by another deviant who would take issue with that?
Persecution is what goes on in China or Muslim countries. This is just weak, political nonsense. All it does is distract us from getting things done. Overwhelmingly the country has voted against homosexual marriage.
What chaifes me is the way "tolerant" people, who only tolerate their own agenda, make everything a "hate crime." Take, for instance, the guy that was tied to a fence and beaten to death a few years back. Maybe he was dragged behind a cra too, I don't remember. The loud-mouth homosexual community said this guy was executed because he was a sodomite, which wasn't true. When the dust cleared he was involved in a drug transaction gone bad. But no, we're supposed to be upset because he was killed for being a sodomite.
WHY CAN'T WE BE ANGRY BECAUSE A HUMAN BEING WAS MURDERED? I don't approve of killing sodomites (The Bible says that many in the early Christian church were reformed sodomites) unless they commit a capital crime. But the fact is, when one of them is killed I can grieve because a human being died for a stupid reason.
In that same regard though, I agree with Phil Collins, who said after Freddy Mercury died of AIDS,(paraphrased) "That's what happens when you sleep with everything that moves." He took heat for speaking the truth, insensitive or not. But he was 100% right.
You know what's really funny: most of the sodomites I know couldn't care less about this ammendment. They know it doesn't mean squat.
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM
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