In a self-serving attempt to expand my interfluence (that's influence on the internet [and yes, I did just coin that phrase now. Feel free to use it]) I like to occasionally post links to other blogs that I enjoy reading. I came across two more today that I think you might enjoy. After all, you all enjoy Jenifer and Tani's blogs, right? Cause you should, those suckas is hilarious! Check out Jen's today to see her father-in-law's mustache. Sweet Rip Taylor's Ghost!
The self-serving part of course is that you'll go to these sites, read them, comment on a post and then the author, curious creature that they are, will trace you back to me. Kinda like when The Empire let the Millennium Falcon escape the Death Star so they could follow it back to the Rebel Base. ...only in a way that makes me sound less like a dork.
Now, OBVIOUSLY when they arrive here at Star Worz they will be astounded by my wit and charm and instantly want to become my friend and boon companion. And in return all I will ask is that they occasionally, you know, ick-clay my oogle-gay ad-ray. Which they will do all too happily, because they are my friend and because they never want to see me write "oogle-gay" again.
These are my two lucky new friends. Sparkwood & 21 by Brittney Gilbert. To twist a quote from Wedding Crashers, "She may be insane. She might also be a genius." She blogs professionally and she likes Twin Peaks. That's a one-two punch of Cool right there. Words For My Enjoyment is by Paul Davidson. The columns feel like they go on a wee bit too long sometimes, but what's there is very fun to read. His lime juice scare for one or his nefarious plan to be an evil guidance counselor. He has a book out full of fictious blogs from historical people. I hope it sucks, only because I'm jealous I didn't think of that idea first. It's GENIUS.
Look at the time, I should probably do some work here at the office.
The self-serving part of course is that you'll go to these sites, read them, comment on a post and then the author, curious creature that they are, will trace you back to me. Kinda like when The Empire let the Millennium Falcon escape the Death Star so they could follow it back to the Rebel Base. ...only in a way that makes me sound less like a dork.
Now, OBVIOUSLY when they arrive here at Star Worz they will be astounded by my wit and charm and instantly want to become my friend and boon companion. And in return all I will ask is that they occasionally, you know, ick-clay my oogle-gay ad-ray. Which they will do all too happily, because they are my friend and because they never want to see me write "oogle-gay" again.
These are my two lucky new friends. Sparkwood & 21 by Brittney Gilbert. To twist a quote from Wedding Crashers, "She may be insane. She might also be a genius." She blogs professionally and she likes Twin Peaks. That's a one-two punch of Cool right there. Words For My Enjoyment is by Paul Davidson. The columns feel like they go on a wee bit too long sometimes, but what's there is very fun to read. His lime juice scare for one or his nefarious plan to be an evil guidance counselor. He has a book out full of fictious blogs from historical people. I hope it sucks, only because I'm jealous I didn't think of that idea first. It's GENIUS.
Look at the time, I should probably do some work here at the office.
I've been reading WFME for a couple months now - it's a definite daily read. Did you read the one about having a wet steak and a tuba instead of hands? Check back in his archives. Hilarious. Literally, tears streaming down my face. He's commented on my blog a few times, so there's hope for you.
Jen, at 8:43 PM
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