Star Worz


Monday, August 11, 2008


I have invented a new term. Please, take it, and like a metaphorical apple seed, spread it out amongst the land to grow more metaphorical apple trees. So that some day in the future our grandchildren may make metaphorical apple pies out of those metaphorical apples while watching metaphorical baseball and eating metaphorical hot dogs.

The hot dogs represent God in that last sentence.

The term is "toilet legs".

Toilet legs: n "toy/let legs" The condition one has after an exhausting run where the muscles in the thighs continue to be sore, but is noticeable only when one is settling into and rising out of a squat.
"I went running for the first time this summer and did 8 miles in an hour. Then I went to the bathroom. I had such a bad case of toilet legs I had to stay on the pot for two hours. They called the paramedics to get me out."


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