Star Worz


Friday, November 09, 2007


(Much Like The Fourth Robin, we are SPOILERS!)

One Team, One Buff, One Black Fighting Wind

We start with James, the Black Crocodile Dundee, out catching fish and talking about how good Team Denise's position is, his personal position especially. All he needs is for Jean-Robert to stay in the dark and keep his mouth shut and everyone should be fine. In an example of how Over James is right now, he has fish jumping into his net before he can finish setting it up.

What? Reward challenge all ready? That means there's going to be some scheming afoot this episode. Four person teams, one person gets in a little bathtub boat while the three members of the opposite team try to sink the boat by tossing buckets of water into it. Todd, James, Jean-Robert and Amanda (aka Team Awesome) take on Peih-Gee, Erik, "Frosti" and Courtney (aka Team Thanks For Coming Out). Denise is left on the bench watching as Team Awesome quickly dunks the other team twice. They win a fantastic trip to an ancient village as well as a clue to the "hidden" immunity idol.

At the village Jean-Robert is PUMPED to be reading the immunity idol clues. Everyone else does their best to not roll their eyes as they not only know all the clues, they have both immunity idols.

Back at camp, Denise commiserates about always being picked last and starts to wonder if that trend will continue once it's only Team Denise members left. Peih-Gee, The Asian Lady Macbeth, throws out the idea of the five of them tossing out Jean-Robert. No one thinks this is a bad idea, as everyone hates Jean-Robert. Denise isn't totally sold, but getting rid of Jean-Robert isn't even the craziest idea that will be brought up today.

That night, as everyone else sleeps, Jean-Robert puts Operation: Hunt And Peck into action. Even though he knows Jamie was wrong with her "immunity idol", he proceeds to remove all 6 other panels. So now he's got 6 fake immunity idols. It's like Fake Christmas came early.

Remember when I said Denise and Courtney teaming with Team Yellow wasn't the craziest idea in this episode? Well The Todd has a doozy. He's starting to crack. He's sick of Jean-Robert, he's sick of James and he's pissed that James hasn't offered him an immunity idol ("which I FOUND for him"). Like in Thailand with Brian (who played a very similar game to Todd and ended up the winner), you don't want to piss off the guy who's pulling all the strings and feels like he should be thanked for it. You will be voted off with a quickness. ESPECIALLY if you are a black man.

So if James loses at Immunity, he may be gone. Well, let's go to-

A giant dragon with barrels full of water. You have to balance on them as the water drains. Balance challenges are always tricky. Especially for the big guys.

Great Exchange:
Jean-Robert: I don't think mine is balanced properly.
Probst: Glad you're still around Jean-Robert, always need a complainer.
Courtney: I thought I was the complainer.

Down goes Jean-Robert, down goes Denise, down goes James. The final trio are the three lightest contestants; Todd, "Frosti" and Courtney. "Frosti" uses a magic dragon song to throw The Todd off into the swamp, but in the end The 99 Cent Menu is no match for someone who doesn't eat. I'm willing to lay good money Probst never dreamed he'd be saying "Courtney, you've won immunity." Of course, watching it you can barely hear him over the sound of the necklace shattering her collar bone.

Back at camp, Jean-Robert and Erik go for a swim. Erik tells Jean-Robert he really likes him, but he's a virgin., wait, that was two episodes ago. Jean-Robert tells Erik he has the immunity idol. Erik calls B.S. knowing that James has both immunity idols. Jean-Robert looks like he just found out his Prom date, who couldn't go cause she was "sick", is dancing with the Homecoming King. He tries to bully James into giving him an idol, but James won't budge. He knows it's stupid to get on board with Jean-Robert at this point.

So then Jean-Robert runs to Todd to let him know that James has the immunity idols ("Which I FOUND for him"). Todd tries to act surprised when Jean-Robert mentions getting rid of James. Todd's worried that Jean-Robert is starting to think like a much slower version of himself and decides it's his time to go. Amanda can't believe how often Todd's changing his mind. Really, she should just cut him loose. That's all I'm saying, cause he's not really taking her to the end. He'll take Courtney instead, cause that's a guaranteed win for him. Hopefully Amanda wises up before it's her name they're writing down at-

Jamie doesn't look half bad cleaned up. Peih-Gee frets, Jean-Robert uses a poker metaphor, Erik tries to be charming and James calls him on it. In the voting booth we see Courtney vote for Jean-Robert, Jean-Robert vote for James and Denise vote for Peih-Gee. ...Peih-Gee?

So Peih-Gee gets one vote, and it becomes a dead heat between James and Jean-Robert. In the end Operation: Poker? Darn Near Killed Her comes to an end and Jean-Robert goes home. No one is sad.

Chicken (Yellow)
Ashley (Yellow)
Leslie (Denise)
Dave (Yellow)
Aaron (Denise)
Sherea (New Denise)
Jamie (Black Fighting Wind)
Jean-Robert (Black Fighting Wind)

Courtney Loves Frosti! James Hates Peih-Gee! Peih-Gee Hates James! Todd Hates Everyone! And Everyone Loves A Twist At Tribal Council



  • 'you can barely hear him over the sound of the necklace shattering her collar bone' LOL. I love your recaps. I think they're even better than the episodes. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:55 PM  

  • Thanks Amity! I'm glad you like them!

    By Blogger Matt Worzala, at 3:20 PM  

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