Star Worz


Friday, November 09, 2007


Survivor Recap will be up later today.

Driving in to work today I was listening to AM radio and they were talking about a recent smoking report that has American smokers at 21% of the population. The number is unchanged from the last study, which was conducted in 2004. So in three years the number hasn't changed. The CDC (Center for Disease Control? I missed the part where they broke down the acronym) sees this as proof that their anti-smoking efforts have failed. Which is not, technically, true. If your number is the same after 3 years that means you've either been able to a) deter anyone new from starting to smoke or b) convince people that were smoking to stop smoking. So right there, you're seeing some success.

The CDC has a better plan however, and that plan is giving them more money to throw at the problem. Just gobs of it. Wheelbarrows stacked with wheelbarrows stacked with bags of money.

Now, this is just crazy talk on my part, but it would seem to me that if you really, really wanted to stop people from smoking, you'd just outlaw it all together. Oh Nos! You can't take away my right to smoke! Really? You sure about that? Cause it appears no one but you actually wants you smoking. And the only legal place now is under your bed with the lights off anyway, so will you really be missing that much?

This whole idea boggles my mind and maybe it boggles easy, but let me see if I get this straight. Smoking can kill you. That's a known fact. They print the warnings on the boxes the cigarettes come in. Tobacco companies spend millions paying the lawsuits of people that smoked and then got sick because of it. The government spends money to create programs to convince people not to smoke. But, at the same time, the government has done nothing to outlaw either the growing of tobacco or the production of cigarettes. That strikes me as kind of negligent.

The government still pays tobacco farmers not to grow tobacco right? Man, all those people pushing for the legalization of marijuana should take a cue from that plan, and lobby the government to start paying them not to grow weed. A person could make a lot of money not growing an illegal substance. We're talking wheelbarrows stacked with wheelbarrows here.


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