Star Worz


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


England has decided to take former Prime Minister Winston Churchill off the required learning list at their secondary schools.


According to The Sun, "The decision to axe Churchill is part of a major shake-up aimed at dragging the national curriculum into the 21st century".

Most of England is, naturally, outraged by this turn of events. Also getting the axe were Hitler, Gandhi, Stalin and Martin Luther King. Here's a hint from a history major from "across the pond." If a historical figure can be recognized by just their last name, or in Martin Luther King Jr's name, his initials, they are PROBABLY WORTH LEARNING ABOUT!!

Churchill died in 1955. That's just 52 years ago, and you're just going to forget about him? He was alive when my parents were born, and you're just going to forget about him? There's "dragging the national curriculum" and there's "going insane". Guess which one THIS is!!

Just to chuck some hyperbole around. Churchill is one of the main reasons England was able to hang in there during WWII. You might remember that little skirmish fought across most of the civilized world. You might have heard about England having bombs dropped on its homes and factories DAILY. Churchill helped keep the people uplifted and motivated. And without England, there's basically no way America could have come in to help win the war. Unless we planned on staging D-Day from Nova Scotia.

Churchill did that. Churchill helped make it possible. Churchill took a country that was getting the snot kicked out of it daily and said "Hey, stop crying and buck up. We're going to handle this." Then he'd turn to Germany and go "Oh, I'm sorry, is that the best you can do? Well, I'm going back to my tea then. Call again, you know, when you've grown some testicles."

England doesn't think their children need to learn about this man any more. Good thing only 10 percent of the country think
Hitler was fictional, or I'd be worried.

So, who's ready to scratch FDR out of our history books? Gotta make room for Creationism curriculum somewhere.


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