As I've mentioned, I saw Transformers last week. I liked it a bunch. I had a couple of beefs...
But they were mild. My main five are these-
1) Sector 7. You could have shaved 30 minutes off the movie (more time for robot fighting) if they'd just let Jon Voight know about the robots. There, done and done. Or better yet, get rid of Jon Voight (sorry Jon) and just have John Turturro's character around. Cause he was bizarrely hilarious and, as you should know, he was Jesus and "nobody ****s with The Jesus".
2) Frenzy. He was just kind of annoying. Especially when he sneaks past the police after causing Air Force One to make an emergency landing. And a hunk of walking metal just strolls off the plane?
3) After all of the fighting, running, dodging, shooting, etc, Sam just had to jam the box into Megatron's chest to finish him off? ...Shouldn't Megatron have seen that coming?
4) On the same note, Optimus Prime has a frickin' SWORD. Where was that when Megatron was wailing on him?
5) Jazz goes out like a punk.
That one may be the biggest peeve (after the sword [c'mon, I'm a boy, I loves me my violence]) I had. Some people have bigger beefs with it than I do. Others have all together different complaints.
I can see the not-so-subtle racism in Jazz's death. You have one black robot, and he's the one that eats it? There is something suspicious in that and it's actually the first thing that went through my head, "Wow. Black robot just got ripped in half!" When you have one black character in a group and they are the ONLY one to die, people are going to notice that. You can claim that it's just what it was, but people are still going to question why you did it. Especially when it would have made more sense for someone like Ironhide, the Weapons Expert, to be the one that dies in battle. Also, talk about insult to injury. Megatron rips you IN HALF and all your leader can come up with as a eulogy is basically "Dang. That sucks. Well, moving on..."
Speaking of being ripped IN HALF, I understand you want to show the power of Megatron, who is easily twice the size of Jazz, but still. Their "fight" was all of 15 seconds long and filmed in a long shot. I barely had time to register there WAS a robot attacking Megatron before Jazz became Ja and ZZ. If you want to kill Jazz, that's fine, you wanted to show there were stakes to this battle, I get that, but to go out so easily and so cheaply... you owed it the character, the story and viewers to do a little more with it.
So those are my thoughts on that. I still thought the movie was awesome, but that doesn't mean something like this should be addressed.
Oh, and before I forget, anyone else a little weirded out by the fact that Sam and Mikaela end the movie making out ON TOP of Bumblebee, while Ratchett and Ironhide look on? I mean, that's some hardcore exhibitionism going on there.
But they were mild. My main five are these-
1) Sector 7. You could have shaved 30 minutes off the movie (more time for robot fighting) if they'd just let Jon Voight know about the robots. There, done and done. Or better yet, get rid of Jon Voight (sorry Jon) and just have John Turturro's character around. Cause he was bizarrely hilarious and, as you should know, he was Jesus and "nobody ****s with The Jesus".
2) Frenzy. He was just kind of annoying. Especially when he sneaks past the police after causing Air Force One to make an emergency landing. And a hunk of walking metal just strolls off the plane?
3) After all of the fighting, running, dodging, shooting, etc, Sam just had to jam the box into Megatron's chest to finish him off? ...Shouldn't Megatron have seen that coming?
4) On the same note, Optimus Prime has a frickin' SWORD. Where was that when Megatron was wailing on him?
5) Jazz goes out like a punk.
That one may be the biggest peeve (after the sword [c'mon, I'm a boy, I loves me my violence]) I had. Some people have bigger beefs with it than I do. Others have all together different complaints.
I can see the not-so-subtle racism in Jazz's death. You have one black robot, and he's the one that eats it? There is something suspicious in that and it's actually the first thing that went through my head, "Wow. Black robot just got ripped in half!" When you have one black character in a group and they are the ONLY one to die, people are going to notice that. You can claim that it's just what it was, but people are still going to question why you did it. Especially when it would have made more sense for someone like Ironhide, the Weapons Expert, to be the one that dies in battle. Also, talk about insult to injury. Megatron rips you IN HALF and all your leader can come up with as a eulogy is basically "Dang. That sucks. Well, moving on..."
Speaking of being ripped IN HALF, I understand you want to show the power of Megatron, who is easily twice the size of Jazz, but still. Their "fight" was all of 15 seconds long and filmed in a long shot. I barely had time to register there WAS a robot attacking Megatron before Jazz became Ja and ZZ. If you want to kill Jazz, that's fine, you wanted to show there were stakes to this battle, I get that, but to go out so easily and so cheaply... you owed it the character, the story and viewers to do a little more with it.
So those are my thoughts on that. I still thought the movie was awesome, but that doesn't mean something like this should be addressed.
Oh, and before I forget, anyone else a little weirded out by the fact that Sam and Mikaela end the movie making out ON TOP of Bumblebee, while Ratchett and Ironhide look on? I mean, that's some hardcore exhibitionism going on there.
We saw Transformers, and yes, I agree, the making out on the hood of Bumblebee thing was a little weird for me, too.
I have one question - is it Sigma 7 or Sector 7? I thought it was Sector the whole time ... but then, I'm no Transformers expert. I could ask my husband, who claimed to be one beforehand, but then after the movie, he wondered aloud why there were no animal Transformers. Then he realized it was actually Voltron he was a bigger fan of as a kid. So not the same thing.
In any case, the movie was delightfully ridiculous, as I expected it to be, and now I have an even bigger crush on Shia LaBeouf. That guy is going to be a big star, as his next movie is Indiana Jones. SO hot.
Jen, at 9:48 AM
Good catch. Yeah, it IS Sector 7.
How on earth did Roth confuse Voltron and Transformers? That's... they're not even close!
Yeah, Shia LaBeouf is pretty dreamy, you have to hand him that.
Matt Worzala, at 3:38 PM
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