Star Worz


Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Today's Wednesday Word is "cells" as in "No stems cells research money. No. Not yours."

President Bush vetoed a bill that would have loosened restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research this week. He said that we can not keep spending public money on harming human life.


Well that's just super. Sorry Grandpa, no Alzheimer's cure for you. Sorry Little Susie, no new MS treatment. Sorry scientists working to save lives, no new money from the nation's largest medical funder.

Maybe someone will tell me this already goes on, but for stem cells, are they using the ones from artificial insemination? You know they don't just inseminate one egg. They inseminate more like a baker's dozen plus, and even then, all of the ones that take they don't use. They'll put maybe 6 or 8 in the womb but the rest? It's not like they go back into the ovary. No, it's right into a garbage bag for them. THOSE are stems cells we could be using. Could we get some money for research then?

In other news of thing that make me go "wha-???" Republican candidates for President Tom Tancredo, Sam Brownback, and Mike "I Heart" Huckabee do not believe in
evolution. You might remember two of these three from "9 Out of 10 Can Be Wrong". Brownback called the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade "a glorious day of human liberty and freedom" while Tancredo called it "the greatest day this country's history." Huckabee was also for the overturning, though he didn't wax poetic about it.

Ladies and gentlemen: Your 2008 Republican Candidates!


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