Star Worz


Friday, December 22, 2006


During this time of year it is often easy for people to get caught up in the rush of the holidays. Aside from your normal daily activities, people now have to contend with the additional time commitments of gift shopping, holiday parties and family get-togethers. This, coupled with the cold weather, the lack of sunlight, and the ending of the year can add up to cases of severe depression and anxiety in people. Sometimes there seems like no way out and you might, like this gentleman consider the ultimate escape: soak yourself in gasoline and attempt to light yourself on fire to burn down your building.

I know this is a sensitive subject. The exact number of people who every year soak themselves in gasoline and light themselves on fire to burn down their apartment complex is unknown as this sort of activity is still clouded in shame. Often times family members will go to great lengths to hide the true cause of death, using such weak excuses as "grease fire gone horribly wrong", "spontanious apartment combustion" and even "Lybians angry they recieved fancy pinball parts instead of a promised plutonium bomb". People are just not able to accept that someone that they loved and cared for was able to strip themselves naked, soak themselves in gasoline, proceed to their neighbor's apartment and then begin threatening to light themselves on fire.

That is why we, the good people here at Star Worz, encourage you to talk to your loved ones about stripping naked, soaking themselves in gasoline and then lighting themselves on fire. Remember, talking to someone about soaking themselves in gasoline and then lighting themselves on fire will not actually make someone go out and light themselves on fire after being soaked in gasoline. That is a common misconception which prevents people from speaking to others about this situation. We have all had thoughts of soaking ourselves in gasoline, going into the neighboring apartment and lighting ourselvse on fire, both to win an argument and to burn the building to the ground. This is not an unnatural feeling. But it is important that this matter is discussed openly and frankly, so that if someone should continue to feel like being soaked in a flammable liquid, walking around completely naked, breaking into a neighboring apartment and then lighting themselves aflame is their only option, they will feel comfortable talking to you about these feelings.

For more information, there is a wonderful website on the internet at
It contains a flash PSA as well as a pretty comprehensive FAQ section as well as an address you can write to for more materials.

Remember, no matter how dark the day, there is a brightness just around the corner. Hopefully the brightness is not from your body, soaked in gasoline and lit on fire in someone else's apartment.

Please, think of the children.

Happy Holidays and God Bless,
S. Worz


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