Star Worz


Tuesday, November 13, 2007


My fiancee and I, in a slow but steady move towards becoming ONE, are getting a joint cellphone plan. It will save us both money, while at the same time getting us shiny new phones. My old one still has a rotary on it. Not that I'm complaining, at least it's not a Bluetooth. Those things creep me out. Especially cause it's only one step away from becoming THESE GUYS.

My fiancee was able to change her phone plan, which she shared with her mother, over with no problem and had it activated over the weekend. Mine was supposed to activate today. Yesterday the old rotary phone went off. "Would you like to accept a call from Sprint?" Well, I was working at the time so I had to tell the operator to take a message for me. Turns out this was a mistake, because something got screwed up HARD and that was my last chance to clear it up with someone who speaks English as a first language.

Not to say the two nice Indian women that I talked to weren't trying their best, but we're losing something in the conversation. The first woman I got a hold of, by weaving my way through a crap-tastic labyrinth of voice-activated options, assured me that everything was going to be settled after I made it clear to her that I just wanted to cancel my old phone contract and start a new one. And yes, my phone bill comes through work, but that's because of an employee deal we get, not because it's a business phone. No problems she said.

Well, turns out two hours later there were problems. So now I was talking to "Leslie" about why my phone wouldn't switch over. I explained to her, as I had "Sarah", what our company rep had explained to me. There was no need for tax codes, pin numbers, etc, because I was just cancelling a personal phone contract. In the two year history of people having this deal through work and then cancelling their phones NO ONE had needed this additional information. There was no reason this night should be different than any other night. When we weren't busy trying to talk over the top of each other, I did my best to explain to her my situation.

"Okay sir, I will run this through Cellcom. If they accept, the new activation date will be 72 hours from now. So sometime on the 16th."

Wait, WHAT?

"It could be as early as noon sir. It's the best we can do."

Now, I wasn't upset with her. It's not her fault. But I am a little ticked by the fact that she said she'd call back and let me know what Cellcom said and if they'd need any additional information. That was 5 hours ago. Something tells me I won't be hearing from "Leslie" again. Maybe I'll text her. Which, believe me, is quite the feat with a rotary phone.


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