Star Worz


Thursday, August 24, 2006


Today's Wednesday Word is "Survivor" as in "Man, remember the band Survivor? Sure you do, they did 'The Eye of The Tiger'. You love that song."

This season on Survivor, the producers have decided to switch things up by dividing the teams up into 4 5-person teams, matched up by
race. There'll be a Caucasian team, a Black team, an Asian team and a Latino team.

Some people are in an uproar about this, but personally, I don't see what the big deal is. More than once they've divided the teams by gender, and no one had a problem with that. As a matter of fact, the women's team in the Amazon spent most of the season walking all over the men's team. Last season they started things off by dividing the players into "young men", "old men", "young women" and "old women". I'd be a lot more nervous about telling a woman she's in the "old women" group than telling an Asian guy, "Hey, you're Asian." Plus, I'd lay dollars to donuts that by the fourth episode at the latest, the race teams will be broken up. They did the exact same thing last season. They did one challenge that way and then Poof! they switched everything up. Why? Cause it screws with the player's heads. You get comfortable where you are and then the game flips everything on its head.

It's not like they're going to make challenges a giant stereotype-fest.

"Okay, for immunity, who ever can swim this river, climb this fence and then eat these 15 burritos first will be your winner."

"For reward, you're all going to have a dance-off! The winner will get this bucket of hot wings and these lottery scratch offs."

"Each player must cross this rope bridge, chop a board in half with their hand, catch a fly with these chopsticks and then solve a math problem on this abacus."

"For immunity you'll have to... ... ..."

Yeah, see, that's another reason they won't play to stereotypes. All the white ones are really boring.

Well, I'm off to count my money and listen to country music. Talk to you soon.



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