Star Worz


Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Well I'll be the nephew of a monkey, Worzala's Wednesday Word actually ON a Wednesday? The only thing more amazing than this is that candy bar that the Mars Company makes with M&M's in them. Which segues nicely into today's word, "coitus". As in "Is that bar of chocolate having coitus with those M&M's? Cause it sure looks like it."

I can't be the only person to pick up on this, right? I mean, they're AT MAKE-OUT POINT and then "poof!" the M&M's are IN the chocolate bar. We're supposed to believe that happened by them just shaking hands? Or worse, what about the one by the fireplace? One minute it's two separate God-fearing confections. Next thing you know you've got M&M's dancing to the music of their torrid passion through chocolate melted by the heat of its own desire. Janet Jackson lets a still covered nipple slip for a billionth of a second and people react like the world is about to fold in on itself. Chocolate has SEX with more chocolate and there's not a peep about it. Priorities people, priorities.

Do you want to have to explain to your 6 year old what the candies are doing in the back seat of the car? Of course you don't. You want to wait till they're 10 and you rented Big and suddenly, whoops, there's Tom Hanks cupping Elizabeth Perkin's breast cause you forgot that scene was in the movie. THAT'S the time to explain the Birds and the Bees, like God intended. Why do you think they made Big?

The only positive? At least the M&M's are using protection with that thin candy shell of theirs.



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