"Hey Joe, come over here."
What's up Rob? (We'll call the guy in question Rob)
"Now, we all know you're a great rock guitarist."
Darn right.
"And you're probably one of the finest guitar players of your generation."
I like where you're going with this.
"And as you know, Aerosmith is doing the sure to be hit single 'Don't Want To Miss A Thing' for this soundtrack."
"See? Steven's excited about it. You tell him Steven! Anyway, anyway, well, here's the thing... there's actually not a guitar part in this song."
"Yeah, see... it's mostly an orchestra behind Steve. So Joey and Tom will still have things to do, but well, we don't really have anything for you."
What about Brad?
"That's a good one Joe, what about Brad? Ahhhh, you crack me up pal. Anyway- hey, you're not still on drugs are you?"
"Cheat on the wife at all?"
"Nuts. See, cause when you guys take the song on tour, you're going to need to have something to do. If you still did drugs or needed a little of the old Pelvis Pushcart Race, you'd be set. Hmmm..."
What about a rocking guitar solo mid-song? Like Slash did in "November Rain"?
"Yeah... look, let's try and stay away from anything Guns n' Where Are They Now did, okay? Oh! Wait! Genius- wait, no- yes! Rob you are a genius! Bells. You're going to play bells."
You mean like a gong?
"No, like, you ever go antique shopping?"
Not since I stopped using drugs.
"Okay, well you remember the little bell that rings when you come in the door? Ding ding, ding ding?"
"That sort of bell."
"Okay, good talk. You're a trooper Joe, this one's going to make you guys Superstars."
We're already superstars.
"Yeah, but with a capital 's'. TWO capital 's's, even. Yeah, I like the sound of that. Ding ding, ding ding. That's the sound of a hit Joe."
WHAT is with your ad? lucifer?
elleuqinat, at 1:47 AM
Hey T, what can I say? Google goes where Google goes.
Matt Worzala, at 12:06 AM
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