Today is the one year anniversary of the internet sensation "Star Worz". Presents are not necessary, just click on the ad above at the top of the page once a week for the month. That's all the gift I need.
Well, that and a copy of this new video game I was playing today. It's one of those text based games like Zork. This one is called "Flight To Canary Island". It plays something like this:
>You are at an Mauritanian airport. To the north is a gate for >the flight to The Canary Islands.
Walk N
>You are on a plane to The Canary Islands.
>The plane takes off.
>You are sitting in the fifth row.
>The pilot has not turned off the "Seatbelts" light
>The pilot has turned off the "Seatbelts" light
>You are standing in the fifth row
Change plane course
>Not a command
Say change plane course
>No one is listening
Demand change plane course
>No one is listening
Draw two automatic pistols
>You have no paper
Pull out two automatic pistols
Say change plane course
>Everyone is listening. To the north is the cockpit. To the south >are the bathrooms and kitchenette. To the east and west are >wings.
Go N
>You are in the cockpit. There is a pilot.
Point two automatic pistols at pilot.
>Pilot asks "what do you want?"
Tell pilot.
>.... tell pilot what?
Say change plane course to Paris
>The plane can not go to Paris
Say go to Paris
>There is not enough fuel to go to Paris
Say go to Paris
>You will crash and die
Say go to Djala, Morocco
>You can not go to Djala, Morocco
Demand go to Morocco
>Permission refused by Moroccan authorities
Use two automatic pistols on Moroccan authorities
>Are you going to shoot them through the radio?
Go to Canary Islands
>Pilot begins to speak
>Pilot is speaking French to crew and passangers
>You do not speak French
>"Gobbidly Gobbidly Le Gobbidly Goop"
>You Do Not speak French. To the south you hear water >starting to boil.
>Might be important.
Point two automatic pistols at pilot
>You already are.
Point harder
>Whatever you say Chief. The pilot is landing the plane.
Exit plane
>Landing. You are not yet on the ground.
>The "Seatbelt" light is on. Everyone is sitting down and putting >on their seatbelts.
>The pilot lands the plane.
>The pilot suddenly accelerates the plane.
>You have fallen down due to the sudden acceleration
>You have lost your balance.
Use two automatic pistols
>You have dropped one of your automatic pistols.
Use one automatic pistol
>Six men rush the cockpit and throw a pot of boiling water on >your chest.
Use herb
>You do not have any herbs. They also throw boiling water on >your groin.
Use heal
>You are not magic.
>Six men are gangpiling on you.
>The police arrive.
This sucks
>Command not understood.
Well, that and a copy of this new video game I was playing today. It's one of those text based games like Zork. This one is called "Flight To Canary Island". It plays something like this:
>You are at an Mauritanian airport. To the north is a gate for >the flight to The Canary Islands.
Walk N
>You are on a plane to The Canary Islands.
>The plane takes off.
>You are sitting in the fifth row.
>The pilot has not turned off the "Seatbelts" light
>The pilot has turned off the "Seatbelts" light
>You are standing in the fifth row
Change plane course
>Not a command
Say change plane course
>No one is listening
Demand change plane course
>No one is listening
Draw two automatic pistols
>You have no paper
Pull out two automatic pistols
Say change plane course
>Everyone is listening. To the north is the cockpit. To the south >are the bathrooms and kitchenette. To the east and west are >wings.
Go N
>You are in the cockpit. There is a pilot.
Point two automatic pistols at pilot.
>Pilot asks "what do you want?"
Tell pilot.
>.... tell pilot what?
Say change plane course to Paris
>The plane can not go to Paris
Say go to Paris
>There is not enough fuel to go to Paris
Say go to Paris
>You will crash and die
Say go to Djala, Morocco
>You can not go to Djala, Morocco
Demand go to Morocco
>Permission refused by Moroccan authorities
Use two automatic pistols on Moroccan authorities
>Are you going to shoot them through the radio?
Go to Canary Islands
>Pilot begins to speak
>Pilot is speaking French to crew and passangers
>You do not speak French
>"Gobbidly Gobbidly Le Gobbidly Goop"
>You Do Not speak French. To the south you hear water >starting to boil.
>Might be important.
Point two automatic pistols at pilot
>You already are.
Point harder
>Whatever you say Chief. The pilot is landing the plane.
Exit plane
>Landing. You are not yet on the ground.
>The "Seatbelt" light is on. Everyone is sitting down and putting >on their seatbelts.
>The pilot lands the plane.
>The pilot suddenly accelerates the plane.
>You have fallen down due to the sudden acceleration
>You have lost your balance.
Use two automatic pistols
>You have dropped one of your automatic pistols.
Use one automatic pistol
>Six men rush the cockpit and throw a pot of boiling water on >your chest.
Use herb
>You do not have any herbs. They also throw boiling water on >your groin.
Use heal
>You are not magic.
>Six men are gangpiling on you.
>The police arrive.
This sucks
>Command not understood.
Roberto Iza Valdés, at 8:22 AM
jeez, you killed me with this one.
Claudine, at 7:32 PM
Man, after the burned your groin, I would've went straight to Healmore.
TDP Jared, at 11:20 AM
this was farkin' hilarious!
elleuqinat, at 12:49 AM
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